Friday, August 14, 2009

The First Steps...

So my boyfriend and I do things a little backwards... I don't have an engagement ring, yet we have set a wedding date. We started off just talking about it and socializing the idea with a few close people. Then we decided to just set the date. Well I talked to my mom earlier in the week, and I think she was in the dark before that conversation. Although, I told my dad the date and the plan, he did not socialize that with my mom... mind you, they are still married and live in the same house. Go figure!

Anyway, mom has been getting more and more excited. She asked what ideas we were looking at and suggested a place for the reception. It just happens to be the same place she had her reception, very affordable, and a lot easier than the method I was originally considering (firehouse hall, catered, hire people to do everything else... yeah, and that all adds up in price too!). So, anyway, the hall we are now looking at is having a Bridal Fair in October. I called to make reservations for my mom and I, and I ended up on the phone with the owner. He is super nice, and started talking to me about my future wedding. Turns out the hall is available on my date (happy happy joy joy), and he is willing to hold the date for me, no money down. While I really really want to make that leap, I resisted. I said I had to at least discuss it with Wes beforehand. However, I am secretly doing the happy dance and the scared dance at the same time. I want Wes to go along with it, so we can officially book our date. As long as I get the Church and the hall, nothing else matters!

Anyway, I called mom later to tell her we are booked for the Fair, and she wants me to call back and add my Dad to the list too. I never really thought of adding my Dad, but she is right. I think Pops would like to be included too! No official decisions are made at the Fairs, but they have all sorts of vendors set up from cakes to photographers to flowers to dresses and tuxes that you can peruse (while enjoying a good meal too) to consider for your wedding options. I wonder if I can talk Wes into coming to it too! The owner suggested I bring him, but I am not sure how involved he wants to be... guess I'll find that out after work tonight or tomorrow am when I dump all of this on him at once. Whew! It's a lot! Hey, hun, how was your day at work? By the way, I found a Hall I want to book (and I want you to agree to it even though you've never been there and you've never tasted the food) and I want you to come to a bridal fair too (where you'll be surrounded by crazy bridezillas, which I may or may not turn into as well)... hmm... I don't see too many guys being excited after that conversation!

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